Names for the Ages of Terra

Satellite view of a nuclear crater from a nuclear testing site
Satellite view of a nuclear crater from a nuclear testing site


Permalink to “Anthropocene”

IX century concept!


Permalink to “Capitalocene”

Anthropogenic implicates an actor that doesn’t exist. There is no Anthropos, no humanity as a unified actor. So, if not anthropogenic, what? In a word: capitalogenic.

Jason Moore, World accumulation & Planetary life, or, why capitalism will not survive until the ‘last tree is cut’[^1]


Permalink to “Cthulhucene”

Donna Haraway

Warning! This page is a notepad. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

This means that I use it to gather ideas, references, thoughts, and other material. This is not a finished text but a playground for me to work on.