a digital permaculture project
Permaculture is an approach to land management and settlement design that adopts arrangements observed in flourishing natural ecosystems. It includes a set of design principles derived using whole-systems thinking.
Projects and events

Mycorrhizae is a literary work that explores the underground network of connections between technology, language, capitalism, ecology, love, community...

Fuera del Tintero es un proyecto colaborativo de Laura Casielles y Genoveva Galarza para ilustrar versos y citas de las mujeres cuyas voces nos acompañan.

The elderly from the curvy lines

Las del pelo rosa, que se arrejuntan y nos se casan

The fantasy of cuddling cuttlefish

Three weeks in Edinburgh, with winter light, winter weather and winter mood.

Up comes Butterfly Life riding a monarch's back.

The assemblage of different organisms that behaves as a unit.

Elon and Bezos

A very tiny human riding a very big fish
Ongoing notebooks
A raíz de conocer a Rhyze (Edimburgo) y asistir al taller de Mushroom cultivation DIY (Matthias Fritsch, LABoral), estas son mis notas para seguir aprendiendo a cultivar setas en casa.
Bringing Donna Haraway tentacular thinking into the creation of The Fungal Myths
Mushroom reading, facts and other fungal stuff
Notes on the Anthropocene, Capitalocene, Cthulhucene, Anthrobscene, Phonoscene...
Blog posts
Cuando la conocí, intenté resignificar el nombre de mi perra. Aprendí que “hura” significaba “cueva” o “madriguera” en Asturiano. Me gustaba pensar que sin hache significaba “agua” en Euskera. Lo que supe después es que la llamaron Hura por “huracán”.
Digital generative poetry to find out how say good bye to ghosts